How to use System Texsolv
System Texsolvis is developed to facilitate rapid and easy set up of the weave. The system gives the weaver a quiet and smooth weaving experience, with low friction and minimal problems. The weave will turn out smooth and even. There is a reason why people all over the world prefer System Texsolv!
Use the links below to explore System Texsolv
1Start with one bundle at the time, 100 heddles in each bundle. NOTE do not remove bundle clips until the bundle is mounted on the loom shaft
2Before mounting the bundle on the shaft, identify the end loops and make sure the heddles not get tangled up
3Mount the bundle on to the loom shaft, through the end loops. Move the bundle to the desired position
4Remove the first two clips in one end, do it carefullyt
5Then remove the other two on the opposite side
6Locate the first heddle in the bundle and pull it out
Threading of the warp is done fast and easy thanks to the open construction of the heddles. Use Texsolv’s thread hook for rapid and easy threading
Remove or replace a heddle
1Separate the heddle that u wish to remove from the chain, by cutting it on the top side
2Then do the same on the other end. Then cut the heddle in the center to completely release it from the shaft
3To replace a misplaced or broken heddle, a so called replace heddle is used. This heddle can be ordered in any size available. The replace heddle is normal in one end and open in the other. Mount the loop side over the top shaft
4Pull the heddle through/under the outer heddles to the desired position
5Make sure that the bottom threads of the replace heddle ends up on each side of the lower shaft. Then tie the replace heddle around the lower shaft. Cut of the left over threds
6The eye of the replace heddle will end up on the same level as the other heddles. Fast and easy!
Measure heddles
If the length of a heddle is unknown, it can easily be measured. To do so, stretch the heddle by the use of two sticks (as the pictures shows) and hold it against a measuring tape to determine the lenght. Moderate tightening
1The Texsolv anchor peg is excellent to use on drilled holes, common on treadles and lamms, where adjustment is necessary. Ideal hole diameter is 5,5 mm. The pegs are used to lock the polyester loop cord in place.
2To do so the cord is attached to the "hook" on the side of the peg, then the peg is secured in the hole by the use of the two "legs". The length of the cord is then easily adjusted by moving the peg up or down on the cord.
3Texsolv straight peg is used where loops are used that easily have to be adjusted in height, or where anchor pegs can't be used. The straight peg system is similar to the running loop below, with one significant advantage, it can adjusted, fast and easy.
4The simple running loop is used as fixed attachment, where adjustment isn't necessary, e.g. warp and cloth beam
5Rocker arm mounted with straight peg, and running loop as fixed attachment to heddle harness
6tree different ways of mounting the cord to drilled holes on e.g. lamms or treadles
Fixed attachment to warp or cloth beam
1Count the holes in the beams. Cut the right amount of cord in the EXACT same length.
2Create a running loop around the beam, use beam cord 1/20.
3Run the beam cord through the hole in the beam.
Fixed attachment to warp or cloth beam
Then the tying rod is attached by another running loop
Connecting Treadle and lamm with straight peg lock
1Treadle and lamm with drilled holes.
2Run tie up cord 1/12 through the hole
3Adjust the height and lock it by using an anchor peg.
4Secure the cord loop carefully around the hook on the peg.
5Then pull the cord back to lock the peg in the hole by the use of the legs on the peg, make sure it is safely secured and that the legs goes into the hole
7The running loop is excellent to use as a fixed attachment on the lamm, it's the same system that is used in the instructions above
Rocker arm tie up with anchor peg
1A rocker arm is easily attached by creating a loop.
2at the point where the tie up cord runs through itself.
3when the correct height is adjusted the cord is locked with a straight peg.
4Make sure that the peg is safely inserted into the loop and locked
The height can easily be adjusted by moving the peg up or down in the cord loops